Zhejiang Lingyang Medical Devices Co., Ltd. won the 2016 Linhai Municipal Government Quality Award.

In February 2017, the Linhai Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government held a city-wide cadre meeting and a mobilization meeting for the “Hundred Major Projects, Hundred Regiments to Attack Trouble” action. The meeting commended the enterprises that won the Linhai Municipal Government Quality Award. A total of three enterprises won this honor. Lingyang Company was on the list and won the title of “Linhai Municipal Government Quality Award” in 2016. This honor is a result of the Linhai Municipal Government’s recognition of Zhejiang Lingyang Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.’s efforts in actively establishing advanced quality concepts, actively adopting scientific management methods, improving product, service and operating quality, enhancing the company’s comprehensive competitiveness, and implementing excellent performance management. Praise for achievement. Through the entire process of applying for and participating in the Government Quality Award, Lingyang Company has promoted the company’s continuous improvement in business management, production management, and product quality management, and its economic and social benefits have been continuously improved.

Post time: Dec-04-2023